
What is UFO?


It is always a pleasure to greet a friend from afar.

University Facility Orientation (外国人校园融入计划)是为了帮助日益增多的来我校学习和工作的外国人更快熟悉校园设备和设施,更好的适应科大生活,更深的了解科大的文化背景而建立的一个互助平台。我们希望通过UFO项目,可以减轻我校教授接待外国人的安排讲解压力,帮助外国人更快适应科大生活,同时也希望我校广大的同学可以通过这个平台锻炼自己的英语和口头表达能力,结识更多的朋友。

University Facility Orientation (UFO) is a project which helps an increasing number of foreign teachers and students to know campus facilities in USTC faster, to better adapt to college life in USTC and to learn deeper on USTC culture. Through UFO, we hope to alleviate professors’ work on foreigner-reception and help foreigners to get used to life in USTC. Also, we would like to provide opportunities for students to practice English and get acquainted with more friends.

徜徉在一个大学的校园中是最好的熟悉一个大学的方式, 在UFO这个平台中, 通过科大的合作老师在网上预约,我们的学生校园友好大使会呈现给你一个详细而又个性化的校园介绍。我们的介绍包括常用的设施设备使用介绍(比如一卡通如何充值,健身房如何使用,如何利用图书馆的各项丰富资源)。当然,中国科大除了领先的科研水平,还拥有丰富的文化积淀,想了解孺子牛雕塑背后的故事吗?想瞻仰校史馆里各位科学大师的图片吗?来吧,欢迎通过在线预约UFO项目,开启一段有趣的校园之旅吧!

The best way to get familiar with a university is to stroll in its campus. With UFO, once teachers of USTC schedule visiting online, our student ambassadors will present visiting foreign friends a detailed and personalized campus orientation, including school facilities introduction (such as how to recharge school card, how to use the gym and how to use the library). Besides the leading scientific research level, USTC also embraces abundant cultural accumulation. If you want to know stories of statue “willing oxen” and pay a visit to all previous scientific Masters in the University History Museum, welcome to schedule a UFO visiting online and start the fun campus tour.

Time & Venue


The campus introduction are performed by our student ambassadors. All visiting are conducted between 16:30-18:00pm on Wednesday and Friday each week.


After scheduled online successfully, our student ambassadors, with the work card (see the right picture) will contact you according to the information filled on the website. Then you can come to the appointed venue at the appointed time to enjoy the tour of campus. The meeting venue is at the main door of East Campus Library (see the map below).

How to schedule?

由科大的教师填写下面的信息, 只需要填写个人和来访人员的简单信息,就可以预约校园之旅了。

USTC host teachers should fill in personal and visiting foreigner’s information on the left table. Then the tour of campus is scheduled.


1. 接受参观的外国人必须是我校老师邀请的外国专家,访问学者,博士后或者留学生,其余人暂恕无法接待。

1. Only foreign experts, visiting scholars, post-doctors, international students invited by USTC teachers could be accepted.

2. 安全考虑,所有的讲解活动仅限在东、西校区校内进行。我们无法安排任何离开校园的讲解。

2. For security reasons, all visiting are only limited in the east campus and west campus of USTC. No off-campus visiting.


If you’re a USTC student and want to join our team of student ambassadors, please send your C.V to wangchen@ustc.edu.cn.